Sunday 7 April 2013

Taff Force

Had a fantastic time in the last week down in the valleys of wales with Taff Force , I was off road'ing and building shelter on the frozen tundra and it all brought back many happy memories of times gone bye

I would encourage anyone that would like a  great time enjoying the great outdoors to get in touch with the mad squad at Taff force and arrange  the most awesome time 

I have enjoyed myself so much  that I will be planning to go back down again soon

Friday 22 March 2013

Is Rationing coming back

after a problem with a gas line causing it to be switched off there seems to be a buzz about regarding the lack of gas in stores and we run the possibility of having gas rationing

What I find amazing about this is that we are a gas producing nation , and the gas companies are making millions / billions in profits and yet it could be the little man , the people who are in fuel poverty will be the ones who will suffer  as even in the shortfall  it will be businesses that will be affected first but if it goes on I am sure households will be affected and then the price will go up and up 

thats all we need when there is snow falling from the sky

Thursday 21 March 2013

whats this all about

After a few failed attempts at writing a blog in the past with new vigor I have  decided to attempt another one

I hope to show you how little me can  become more self reliant , more prepared and get ready for whatever holds for me / us in the future along with a few laughs and smiles along the way . I also hope to highlight other blogs . resources , websites and  write reviews  ( well that's the aim anyways )

apologies in advance for any bad spelling do I care - not really if spell check cant detect it then I think its fine

feel free to let me know what you think or if you have a link or want somthing highlighted ether via here or my website then please get in touch

so until the next post keep safe and keep smiling